Marty Neumeier

Marty Neumeier is director of transformation at Liquid Agency.
Marty is a charismatic speaker with an amazingly distinctive presentation style. When we invited him to speak at dConstruct 2010 he was the undeniable hit of the conference, so we couldn’t wait to get him back.
Director of Transformation at Liquid Agency, Marty has written three of our favourite books about design - The Brand Gap,The Designful Company and Zag. In fact we like these books so much, we can often be found quoting whole passages back to our clients verbatim.
He just published a book called METASKILLS: Five Talents for the Robotic Age, about the new skills we need in a post-industrial world.
The Robot Curve
“Help! A robot ate my job!” If you haven’t heard this complaint yet, you will. Today’s widespread unemployment is not a jobs crisis. It’s a talent crisis. Technology is taking every job that doesn’t need a high degree of creativity, humanity or leadership. The solution? Stay on top of the Robot Curve—a constant waterfall of obsolescence and opportunity fed by competition and innovation. Marty Neumeier present five talents—feeling, seeing, dreaming, making, and learning—that can power your success in the coming Robotic Age.
The Five Talents
As you enter the Robotic Age, the first question to ask yourself is not how talented you are, but how you are talented. Every creative person has a special set of abilities that both suggest and limit what he or she can achieve. By developing your own abilities with a clear purpose, you can master valuable metaskills to move your career up the Robot Curve. Author Marty Neumeier will take you through five super-talents that can lift your work from the merely professional to the highly original.
Reasons to attend
- 1Spend 3 whole days improving your UX skills
- 2Meet your peers and share new ways of thinking
- 3See world class speakers from the UX industry
"I came. I listened. I stayed. Great event, great crowd, great venue. Learn, network, enjoy."
Don Norman Speaker at UX London 2009