Tim Malbon

Tim Malbon is a founding partner of Made By Many.
Tim Malbon is a founding partner of Made By Many, one of our favourite agencies in the UK. Over the last 5 years Tim has grown the company from a small consultancy incubated in the corner of an advertising agency, to a 30+ team of designers and hackers.
Focusing on lean and agile practices, they are one of the only agencies in the UK to have successfully integrated a user experience practice with an agile development methodology.
We’ve met Tim over coffee on several occasions and have always been impressed with his flamboyant style of conversation and snappy dress sense. We’re expecting him to cut an impressive figure on the UX London stage.
What happens when the agency doesn’t go home?
Tim will talk about Made by Many’s mission to invent, make and operate new digital products and services that are never finished. Moving beyond the traditional campaign cycle of ‘one night stands’ is an important new competence of clients and agencies alike and Tim will use real cases to share some of the ways MxM are trying to meet these challenges.
Reasons to attend
- 1Spend 3 whole days improving your UX skills
- 2Meet your peers and share new ways of thinking
- 3See world class speakers from the UX industry
"I came. I listened. I stayed. Great event, great crowd, great venue. Learn, network, enjoy."
Don Norman Speaker at UX London 2009